Category: About Me

  • 2021 New Year – New Journey? PART II

    2021 New Year – New Journey? PART II

    Continuing with the drama called my life in 2020… So we continued to deal with my dad the best we could through the remainder of summer and into the fall.  In October, we (me, my ‘husfriend’ and my son) went out of town to be with my daughter and her family for my granddaughter’s birthday. …

  • 2021 New Year – New Journey? PART I

    2021 New Year – New Journey? PART I

    Hello! Welcome to my pad. My journey. My random thoughts.  So, I’m starting anew I guess and hope to get some traction on this blog again.  It has always been a great source of venting for me and at times a means to process my feelings.  Life generally gets in the way and I drop…


    Just like everyone else, I am adjusting to the ‘new normal’ in this COVID-19 world.  It’s interesting.  And heartbreaking.  And scary.  And exhausting. There are millions of people providing their insight and fears and ideas during this time.  So, I’m not going there.  Honestly – I’m sick and tired of the whole darned thing.  I…


    You and I have been through a lot over the years. It has been me-n-you since you were barely a year old. Look at you now – a 26 year old, a grown-up, an adult, a mother of two, a wife!

  • Yep, He Had My Back the Whole Way!

    Boy has it been a year!  I have been through the ringer and this ol’ single mom is T-I-R-E-D!  But I’m also very grateful that I’m not alone. Here are just some of the things I can recall for 2014: 1) Started the New Year with frozen pipes/issues – meant lugging water in for a couple…


    When my daughter was young, I worked full-time as a single mother.  My mom would pick her up from school.  When I got off, I would go to my parents’ house and we would all have dinner together before taking her home.  During those times – my dad always had milk with his evening meal.…

  • Journey Down Memory Lane & Back

    Mixed emotions.  That is what I have been experiencing lately.  Like a roller-coaster, up on minute, down the next.  Funny how going down memory lane can bring back emotions as if you were back in that time.  It kind of wears you out to be up one moment and then deeply saddened in the very…

  • Still On My Journey…Learning More…..Sometimes With My Heels Dug In…..

    I can’t believe I haven’t posted anything since May – and here it is October! A lot has been going on for sure. Some of it has been tough, but I lean heavily on God and He always sees me through! As mentioned in this previous post, my daughter and son-in-law moved down south.  They are…

  • Bittersweet Life Events

    Lots of things have taken place of late (since March).  All have been quite emotional and has taken me on quite the journey of soul-searching and learning. Without notice, my employer laid several people off – and I was included in that group.  My supervisor called me while I was on vacation to break the…


    I just got the following email from my daughter who is almost 22 and getting ready to move to another part of the state in about 3 weeks: Mom, I wanna take this time to tell you just how much you mean to me. This Mother’s Day is gonna be a very bitter sweet day.…